I'd like to use blender to animate motion of nodes in a graph (~50000 nodes) that I've exported from gephi (different layouts of the same graph). Let's call them spheres to avoid confusing them with Blender's material/compositing nodes. Similarly, instead of graph edges, let's call them connections.
I'm pretty sure the best way to handle the spheres is with duplivert, but I'm having trouble with the connections.
I'm trying things out on a small graph before I scale up. Here I have bezier curves set up for the connections, getting the appropriate curvature by scaling the handles. Looks fine for a static image, but will quickly break down when the spheres start moving.
The first thing to do is hook the curve ends to the spheres. This way, the curves move around when the spheres do. The problem now is getting the handles rotated and scaled based on the new sphere positions:
Is there a way to get the connections' curve handles to be pointed in the right direction, and scaled to give appropriate curvature, based on the position of the speheres?