I have a cylinder that's instanced along a line with 5 vertices (vertex instances), so I have 5 copies of it. (Note that the cylinder becomes a child of the line because of how instancing works.) I created an armature with some bones, and parented the line to the armature (with Armature Deform > automatic weights), as I think you're supposed to do. But now when I enter pose mode and move the bones, the cylinder instances move around, but they don't rotate -- they stay in the original orientation. And they don't bend, as I'd expect them to. (They do have plenty of loop cuts.)
Is this because they're instances? Or is it because the rig is really just deforming the line, and the instances come along for the ride? Rigging multiple independent copies of a cylinder works OK.
So is there any way to do what I want: have a set of instances that are parented to an armature and deform the way they would if they were independent copies? (I need instances because my actual objects are very heavy.)
Running Blender 2.93 nightly from a few weeks ago.
In the image: Left: armature with instances. Right: regular armature.