I am trying to make a cloth cape for a LEGO Character, but the flow is always strange. It won't go down and won't stay still.
What am I doing wrong?
$\begingroup$ show us what you tried so far. Best way: provide your blend file. $\endgroup$– ChrisCommented Jan 18, 2021 at 5:33
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ok, i made a "quick and dirty" example, how to do it.
- add a plane on ground -> passive, collision (gray)
- add a rigid body (active) on it (green)
- add a plane, which does NOT collide with other meshes when you place it 3b) at lots of subdivision surface to plane, but not too much, else your computer explodes
- add cloth modifier to plane, fix it with a vertex - pin group
- raise qualitiy collisions to 20
- add solidify modifier to plane with thickness -> apply
- check object- and self collision
- increase your outer thickness of your rigid body
- let the other settings of cloth as they are -> little changes in the properties change a lot for the simulation