Just installed 2.91 and I'm having a hard time finding some really basic questions answered. Subdividing Primitives. If I create a cube primitive how do I make it have 3 subdivisions on the X, 5 subdivisions on the Y, and 300 subdivisions on the Z. Other programs have a dial or something. I can't find it.
How do I make a primitive sphere with 41 subdivisions. How can I see how many times the sphere is subdivided and change it when I change my mind. I can see the number of faces but then I have to think. I want to be able to ...again...dial a specific mesh density before it's editable. Is that possible?
How do I select a ring of faces? I found the grow and shrink selection but for the life of me...
I spent all yesterday doing tutorials and stuff but I'm brand spanking new. And I think my questions are so basic that they don't get covered as much. Or maybe I accidently deleted a toolbar.