
I was editing a video, and wanted to add some images which should appear at the top and bottom of the respective video.

But once I added an image, made transformations to make it appear where I want, I cannot see the video when I play the sequence. It is just the image I see with a black and grey crossed background.

When I remove the "Trasnform" strip of the image, I am able to see the video along with the image. But I cannot place the image as I wish.

Any solutions? Thanks in advance


1 Answer 1


Replace the "replace"-blend mode to "alpha over" or whatever your default is there in items like here:

blend mode

Also you can resize your image/video in the settings and place them via x,y.

Just tap on your video, then go to effect-strip -> transform like this:

enter image description here

Here you can set x/y and the size...and don't forget to change blend to alpha over again.

enter image description here


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