I would like to speed up video and audio playback in the video sequence editor. This would help me edit/chop up long videos since then I can hear any funny/important moments that should be in the final version. Final Cut achieves this effect by repeatedly pressing l
, and I can still listen to audio when it's been sped up many times.
To achieve this same effect in Blender, I've tried using Power Sequencer and VSEQF as suggested in this question https://blender.stackexchange.com/a/197236/113533. Unfortunately, it looks like both of these solutions cause warbly audio, making it easy to miss details in someone's speech. This YouTube video compares playback from a 1.75x speedup on Youtube to the first VSEQF speedup (aside from a few frames dropped because of the screen recorder, this is what the warped audio sounds like) https://youtu.be/sCou-A4IBTo.
Are there any other alternatives, or are there some settings I can use to further optimize playback? Thanks!