I need a bone that can follow the curve of an eyeball in pose mode. I've tried many different "solutions" that just don't work.
I'm following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7rk-zFvVis for an eyelid rig
The closest I've gotten to a desired behavior is in edit mode where I can select the head of a bone, turn on snapping and move the head to the surface I want to snap to. Is there any way to do this same thing in pose mode? whenever I try any form of selection in pose mode it only selects the entire bone and all modifiers are done relative to the bone's tail or its center of mass.
Example blender file with undesired behavior:
Desired behavior In Pose Mode:
Desired behavior: In pose mode: instead of the tail of the bone snapping to the sphere I want to independently select the head and have it snap to the sphere.
Before anyone asks,
- Yes I have tried lattice deforming and that doesn't give adequate results.
- I've tried searching on google for the title and everything on this list.
- I've tried using a shrink-wrap modifier but again the modifier is only available in pose mode and only works on the tail not the head.
- I've also considered using objects and the "stretch to" modifier but that would be very complicated for posing because I'd need 2 separate armatures and dummy objects.