In summary, I just saved it within Blender, used its API to save, then removed the image. Here's my sample code:
def execute(self, context):
C = context.scene
D =
movie_clip = D.movieclips[C.sm_src_mov]
viewer_area = # ...get viewer area
viewer_space = # ... get viewer space
# ...get and set space and area
def get_np_pixels(img):
return np.array(img.pixels).reshape(img.size[0], img.size[1], 4)
movie_image = D.images.load(movie_clip.filepath)
w, h = movie_image.size
viewer_space.image = movie_image
ref_img = get_np_pixels(D.images[C.sm_ref_img])[:,:,:3]
# get new filename
filepath = C.sm_mov_export_filepath
filepath = getFilePath(C.sm_mov_export_filepath, C.sm_src_mov)
file_ext = C.sm_mov_export_format
#the frame_offset property starts at 0 index, so first frame is actually 0
frame = C.sm_start_frame - 1
from math import log10, floor
digit_mask_size = 1 + floor(log10(C.sm_end_frame))
viewer_space.image_user.frame_duration = movie_clip.frame_duration
for frame in range(frame, C.sm_end_frame):
viewer_space.image_user.frame_current = frame
#switch back and forth to force refresh
viewer_space.display_channels = 'COLOR'
viewer_space.display_channels = 'COLOR_ALPHA'
# add frame number to file name
seq_filepath = seq_filename(filepath, file_ext.lower(), frame, digit_mask_size)
result = # create 4 channel image and reshape to 1D
bpy_image =, width=w, height=h, float_buffer=True, alpha=True)
bpy_image.pixels = result
bpy_image.file_format = file_ext
bpy_image.filepath_raw = seq_filepath
D.images.remove(bpy_image, do_unlink=True)
# reset area and space...
return {'FINISHED'}
seems to be slow. What did you try? $\endgroup$