I wonder if there is a way in script (Python) to select all the objects that does not have any image attached to their UV?
That is: all my objects do have UVs, but only some of them have some actual images assigned to their UV. What I am asking is the way automatically selecting only those object without any image assigned to their UV, as I want to reset UV of such objects afterwards (and I do not want to reset UV for those that actually already have some image assigned to their UV, of course).
Although I am Blender Python script newbie I already know how to select all the objects with Python, I also already know how to parse thru all of them, I just do not know how to select only such ones I described above.
My Python code for selecting all the object and parsing them is this:
for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = ob
I would say there will be some IF after the FOR loop but have no clue what exactly (just guess), right?
Can anyone show me the functional version of this simple code so that it would select only the objects having no image assigned to their UV, please?