My mission here is to use this Atlas model as a rough container of lego figurines. There are at least two sub-objectives that need to be accomplished:
- Fill Atlas object with particles represented by the figurines and then remove container.
- Animate removal of container so that the figurines may all fall to the floor.
- Generate random assortment of figurines and/or material properties (maybe just color) to populate the container.
Really not sure how to start, but I was thinking maybe there was a way to automate this via Python that will allow me to quickly form a 3d array of these duplicates and apply a random color transformation with each iteration. Alternatively, I thought of iterating through the coordinates of the Atlas and inserting a Lego object with appropriate spacing. If there is a simpler method, pleeease advise! I know filling the container is different from just stacking as an array and will probably affect the physics of the animation. Thank you for any feedback!