
I have a fairly dense sculpture over (1.5-2 million verts). I downloaded a texture! And assigned it to one of the brushes textures! When I tried sculpting over the sculpture,even with dyntopo and applying scale to the model, it kinda made a lowpoly stroke rather than a smooth stroke, what could be the problem? Isn't it how you add details to your sculpts? Thank you!


1 Answer 1


These so-called Alpha brushes require a very high polycount to look good. I've done some tests with the Lips Alpha brushes by Todor. You can get the Light version here for free (https://gumroad.com/l/lipsfree) if you want to try it out yourself. It comes with a short manual for the brush settings.

The following images show the included example blend. The lips are low-poly with a Multires modifier, with 3, 4, and 5 subdivisions. 6 subdivisions (=2.4 million vertices) show no improvement in comparison to 5 subdivs.

If you have a fully sculpted character or creature you will end up easily with a few million verts like in this video: Create High Resolution Sculptings in Blender (24 million verts)

If your PC can't handle such a high amount of verts you can use a Bump Map and paint the details on a texture as shown here: Node Based Texture Painting in Blender 2 8

Hope that helps :-)

Lips with 37k vertices Lips with 150k vertices Lips with 600k vertices

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you so much for taking your time and writing this to me! $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 14, 2020 at 6:19

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