
I am doing an Anime female model for my animations I am not a beginner, but still finding my way around Blender. It seems like every object I use that is poly does not work I use the subdivision modifier. So there is plenty of polygons to sculpt. Then go to sculpt then get the Vertex data warning. I get spikes in my objects which is annoying.

I tried sculpting the character but I like building the character the way I want then start sculpting. I have been having these issues for months.

I would really appreciate the help. Thank you

enter image description here

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I'm new to blender have version 2.90... Maybe you can try this. Click on the "Object Data Properties" tab (the green triangle, third last on the right), then unfold "UV Maps" and click the minus symbol on the right. I don't know what will be the effect but I'm sure it'll not complain you... Hope it will help. Thank you!


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