I have been experimenting with projection mapping. Along the way, I'm trying to nail down the particulars of creating transparency effects that account for partial 'blocking' of the light that will be behind the transparency-possessing mesh.
Here's the imported image-plane that I've been hacking apart. it uses the standard node-array you get when you import that way:
Note the vertical blinds in the windows. It's that element of the texture that I have isolated for this partia-alpha treatment, so that emissions behind those windows will peek through. Here is my current (incorrect) node-array for those window areas:
In that screengrab, note the B&W texture that I created to help with the alpha transparency (which I realize now I could have just done via nodes - including a B&W conversion & color ramp).
Does the alpha transparency need to happen later? Anyone want to help me figure this one out? Feels like I'm close...
Thanks for your attention.