This question should apply to functions besides "Add Spiral", but this is just what I'm working on at the moment. In my example picture, I created an Archimedan spiral (Add > Curve > Curve Spirals > Archimedan) and rotated/scaled in on Object View to make it better fit the ponytail. Later I realized that I still needed to adjust one of the options originally present on the spiral's options menu (Radius Growth), but that menu is gone now. (It disappeared again when on another attempt, I made a curved line and fit the spiral to that via this.) Is there a way to recover that options menu without having to make a new shape? Alternatively (and this one WOULD be specific to my project), can I preview the spiral fit to that curve without losing that menu in the first place?
UPDATE: I'm running Blender 2.79b, and in attempting to follow Susu's answer, I find that the key parameters are missing (which is what required me to perform object transforms in the first place). Not sure how to recover those. (I also have an issue with the spiral's bezier shape not laying flush with the ponytail surface, but that one probably needs a new question.)