So I'm making a basic animation for a character dropping down consisting of a rigged mesh and a cloth simulation. When I play it, the character actually moves in the viewport, even in Render Preview. When I render it using Render Animation, however, the character seems not to move (apart from the cloth, apparently).
Here is the example render result in the output folder, but the camera is moved upwards a bit to see character's original position. As you can see, the character doesn't move. The cloth here actually moves with the simulation, though.
What I checked so far:
- Making sure the "visible in render" on armature modifier is active in viewport,
- Making sure that the step size is not 0.
Edit: I realized that when I render an animation, the only thing that is rendered is the current frame that is on my viewport (aside of the physics). So if I my workspace is at frame 35, the character is stuck just like what it should be at frame 35. The clothes are still, oddly, fine, though.