I am using a node setup to render objects on top of a background image through the Python API.
EDIT: To make it more clear, I have reproduced the situation in Blender GUI:
My Note Setup:
def node_setting_init():
"""node settings for render rgb images
mainly for compositing the background images
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree
links = tree.links
for node in tree.nodes:
image_node = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeImage')
scale_node = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeScale')
alpha_over_node = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeAlphaOver')
render_layer_node = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeRLayers')
file_output_node = tree.nodes.new('CompositorNodeOutputFile')
# Scales image to dimensions set in the Render panel, my case 1280x720
scale_node.space = g_scale_space
# Select output folder, i.e. where to store rendered images
file_output_node.base_path = g_syn_rgb_folder
# Scale background image
links.new(image_node.outputs[0], scale_node.inputs[0])
# Set background image as background image input to alpha node
links.new(scale_node.outputs[0], alpha_over_node.inputs[1]) #1
# Set rendered object as the foreground image to alpha node
links.new(render_layer_node.outputs[0], alpha_over_node.inputs[2]) #2
# Final image is the output image
links.new(alpha_over_node.outputs[0], file_output_node.inputs[0])
My rendering function:
def render(obj_path, viewpoint):
"""render rbg image
render a object rgb image by a given camera viewpoint and
choose random image as background, only render one image
at a time.
obj_path: a string variable indicate the obj file path
viewpoint: a vp parameter(contains azimuth,elevation,tilt angles and distance)
background_images = os.listdir(g_background_image_path)
# Set camera to the viewpoint
vp = viewpoint
cam_location = camera_location(vp.azimuth, vp.elevation, vp.distance)
cam_rot = camera_rot_XYZEuler(vp.azimuth, vp.elevation, vp.tilt)
cam_obj = bpy.data.objects['Camera']
cam_obj.location[0] = cam_location[0]
cam_obj.location[1] = cam_location[1]
cam_obj.location[2] = cam_location[2]
cam_obj.rotation_euler[0] = cam_rot[0]
cam_obj.rotation_euler[1] = cam_rot[1]
cam_obj.rotation_euler[2] = cam_rot[2]
# Make dir to store output rgb images
if not os.path.exists(g_syn_rgb_folder):
# get random background from background_images folder
image_name = random.choice(background_images)
image_path = os.path.join(g_background_image_path, image_name)
print("\n\nBackground chosen:{}\n\n".format(image_path))
# Load background image and set output file
image_node = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes[0]
image_node.image = bpy.data.images.load(image_path)
file_output_node = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes[4]
file_output_node.file_slots[0].path = 'blender-######.color.png' # blender placeholder #
#start rendering
#"Current Frame, to update animation data from python frame_set() instead"
current_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
#"Set scene frame updating all objects immediately"
bpy.context.scene.frame_set(current_frame + 1)
So I initiliaze:
def init_all():
"""init everything we need for rendering
an image
cam_obj = bpy.data.objects['Camera']
cam_obj.rotation_mode = g_rotation_mode
#bpy.data.objects['Lamp'].data.energy = 50
bpy.types.SpotLight.energy = 50
And call render()
So I am setting node[0], to my background image and I render it. However, my object is rendered on a grey background; my image nowhere to be found. I am pretty sure this worked for version 2.79, but I am running 2.83. I know quite a lot changed between these versions, but I can't find a proper tutorial or answer online.
(I have also tried to set the background image via the camera object, but still no luck.)
This is the result. No background present.
If I put the background image as foreground, and the object as background:
# Set background image as FOREGROUND image input to alpha node
links.new(scale_node.outputs[0], alpha_over_node.inputs[2]) #1
# Set rendered object as the BACKGROUND image to alpha node
links.new(render_layer_node.outputs[0], alpha_over_node.inputs[1]) #2
Now I only see the background, which makes sense I guess.
So something is going wrong with combining the images.