Is it possible to render with cycles a 3D texture from discrete image data (eg. image sequence)?
Basically I'm trying to get volume rendering of medical data with cycles.
Is it possible to render with cycles a 3D texture from discrete image data (eg. image sequence)?
Basically I'm trying to get volume rendering of medical data with cycles.
I've had success importing CT data into blender using the free 32bit version of the open source DICOM viewer OsiriX, free registration required (1).
I went with .obj and it imported smoothly into blender.
(1) OsiriX is Mac OS X only. The site http://www.idoimaging lists free medical image viewing software for many platforms. Maybe there is one with a similar feature set…
(2) Maybe you have to experiment a little in finding the right values. The available presets for Skin, Bones and Metal usually work just fine, but I have to admit, that I have no medical knowledge and therefore cannot say if this would be the case with all the CT/MR data sets out there.