So, I'm tracking a video, then applying a vide on top using "Motion Tracking" and "Compositing" in Blender. My video's colors always came out a bit "whiter" and "higher contrast" than the original, so I fiddled around with the color values and found out that setting the source video's settings to "Raw" (In "Footage Settings" -> "Color Space") fixed it!
However, now, when I try the same thing, it won't work anymore. In the "Tracking" panel, changing the settings to "Raw" fixes the colors, but if I go into "Compositing" and do the input color (in the "image" node) to "Raw", the video turns much whiter and brighter than it should be. (Changing it to sRGB turns it darker, but still too white compared to the original footage.)
I currently have this node setup (see below), but the video footage is the same color even if I connect the "Image" node to "Composite" and "Viewer" directly.
And THIS is how the image looks in the "Tracking" panel, and how it originally looks:
How can I fix this? What causes the video to get whiter than it should be?
Thanks for the help!