I would like to create a compound rigid body. I had a look at this video, therein compound bodies were created by sampling primitive bodies together. The collision shape was set to a primitive like box or capsule. Than these bodies were all parented an so connected to each other and acted as a complex body.
However, the video used the blender-game mode, where the physics panel looked different to the one available in cycles-mode. In opposite to the video there is no option to set the collision bounds to compound.
But probably some images to explain:
That hook is the a hierarchy of 9 cylinders, each is a rigid body.
That is how it looks like in the outline:
This is the view of the physics panel:
Finally I connected each body with another, using »fixed« as constraint type, but all in all, the resulting body is not stiff and deforms, what is not what I want. I would like to have a completely stiff body. How can I gain that?