I'm trying to rig and god is it a nightmare.
I need to undo some bone attachments that I did because they pull the wrong part of the mesh except blender is not build with backtracking in mind. (ex : Ctrl-Z is not an undo shortcut it's a crash shortcut).
After giving up on undoing bone attach, I am instead deleting bones. this is however proving to be another can of worms because I have to delete :
- Bone per mesh
- modifier per mesh
- vertex group per mesh
the repetition I can deal with however I cannot for the life of me delete vertex groups.
I can't figure out how to use this script I downloaded : https://gumroad.com/l/Gxkbp
I have it installed an enabled but I still can't find where the context menu for deleted vertex groups is.
I just need to delete those goddamn vertex groups so I can get on with my life and finish rigging this tank with 7 meager bones that I've been trying to rig for thee days straight.