
All the view options I can find make it hard to see the low poly mesh and the high poly mesh at the same time. (This is for baking a high poly onto a low poly) Is there something I'm missing?

This would be the best case options for me:

  • X-Ray mode only on selected objects
  • wireframe only for selected but with backfaces wires hidden
  • high poly regular shaded with no transparency
  • selected objects wires on top but slightly transparent where they are inside the high poly (not selected meshes)

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Lowpoly occluded wire with Highpoly surface

  • X-Ray disabled
  • Lowpoly Viewport Display
    • In Front enabled
    • Display As Wire

low poly wire

Standard X-Ray with occlusion

The lowpoly wires stay visible even if the surface is not visible.


Notable options to combine:

  • Overlays > Shading > Hidden Wire
  • Viewport Shading > Outline (off)
  • $\begingroup$ I understand that these combinations don't fullfill all of your requirements, but I hope they're a start. $\endgroup$
    – Leander
    May 11, 2020 at 12:01

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