I'm having a really hard time trying to keep the color I have on my characters arm while baking the color of it. The problem is that when I bake a "Combined" bake type with Diffuse, Glossy, Transmission, Subsurface, and Emit selected (No direct nor indirect lights), The results came out black. I found out the reason is because the disconnected "Emission" value's color is set to black on the Principled Shader's BSDF on the arm I'm baking from.
If I change that color from black to anything else, then I can definitely bake it and the color shows up, but changing the Emission color also messes up the arm color I've worked hard to set up on my character. I tried plugging the Mix nodes' color output into the Emission value's input, I tried adjusting all the color ramp colors, but I've noticed that changing the Emission color from black to anything else messes up the color. How can I keep the same color I have and bake it exactly as is; Do I need to change my node setup?