What I did:
- Change render engine to Cycles
- Add Suzanne
- Add plane
- Scale plane by 5
- Change environment texture to HDRI from https://hdrihaven.com/
- Change Suzanna node setup
- Change plane node setup (use default principled BSDF, add image textures for diff (diffuse), spec (specular), rough (roughness), normal, disp (displacement))
- Change all image textures to non-color data except for diff (diffuse) and normal
The specific texture for the plane is https://texturehaven.com/tex/?c=wood&t=rough_wood. I am given the option to download:
- Diffuse
- AO (unused)
- Bump (unused)
- Displacement
- Normal
- Roughness
- Specular
Is this the correct node setup to use the texture and how do I connect the unused textures?
I am using Blender 2.82a. The wood plane looks flat to me even though I added the normal and displacement nodes.