Some of my models on my computer are taking up around 400-500 MB and I want to shed some space on my computer. I tried deleting objects and checking for animation data but the best I could get taken off was about 20 MB. How can I get a model to take up s few space as possible?
2 Answers
A few things come to mind. These affect not only filesize, but also performance.
- Keep modifiers procedural as long as you can (Subdivision Surface, Array, Mirror, etc. Basically any modifier that adds geometry.)
- Use linked duplicates, instancing and collection instances whenever you can. Instances don't increase filesize and are also better performance wise.
Procedural Modifiers - filesize 650KB
Applied Modifiers - filesize 20MB (30x increase)
Use the Compress option
When you save your blend file, click on the "gear" icon (or press N), then check Compress.
The file will take less disk space (50% less in many cases, and sometimes even less) ; but it will be a bit slower to save and open it.