
I'm using the "Video Editing" feature and have created a rough cut of my project in a new Sequence.

I have included other Sequences there, and put an audio track on top of it. When I play it back in blender it works fine and the audio is playing. When I render it, there is no audio.

enter image description here

I've enabled audio in my Output section, for both, the scene with my 3d objects (although that scene doesn't contain any audio, but I wasn't sure if that was necessary) and the scene in which I'm doing the video editing:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


I figured it out. I opened the MPEG-4 in VLC to see whether it might just be a compatibility problem and VLC played the file with audio! So it appeared to be a container or audio codec compatibility problem with Quicktime and Apple preview.

Switching the audio codec from MP3 to AAC worked.


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