I want to bevel the side edges of the selected boolean. You can see I have another Boolean above and sort of around it (they are not joined). At this point, these three Booleans work fine. Time to bevel the edges...
Just for reference, when I hide the Boolean, nothing is there. Seems obvious—but this will make sense in a second. Ok, let’s bevel.
The bevel isn’t working how I want—ok, well I know, let’s try applying the scale.
What on earth? Ok, the bevel is now working but it looks like we have overlapping geometry now? Merge by distance. Nope. Ok, well, let’s select the main Boolean object and check it out.
Ok hold on—I simply clicked on the main object and now it’s all one object? Strange.
Fine, let’s tab into edit mode. But the Boolean object isn’t selectable now. Not even in wireframe.
Ok, let’s flick into local view.
Tab to Edit mode and...
Gone. At this point, I can’t even select the Boolean object again. I just have to restart the file. I can go back to non-local object mode and stare at the glitchy overlapping geometry but that’s it. What is going on here?
Thanks everyone,