Wanting to model a pomegranate kernel, I modelled two objects
The seed
I want this to be opaque, but I don't want it's edge to have 100% opacity. I want it to blend with the outer shell more.
The outer shell
I played with IOR, transmission, alpha, subsurface scattering, roughness and specular. I reached a point where I know what all these terms mean but I still am very indecisive to move forward. I feel there is something that I am doing wrong.
Desired result
I looked at various transparency node settings, tried using them but I am still not getting the fundamentals of nodes. How to use a particular node, how to decide which one to use over the other and how to cascade two or more nodes.
I am relatively new to CG, there are a lot of things that I am not aware of, nodes being one of them. Any sort of help or introduction to new concepts or link to articles/videos is welcomed.