I've been stressing these days searching for a video on using a Normal map with a Bump map, but I haven't found something good. Some suggest connecting the Bump input into the Displacement output and others suggest connecting it to the Normal output of a Shader (both using a Bump node). What would be considered a right way of doing it? The Bump node has a Normal output. Is that for the Normal map?
I have this road scene where the bricks are too smooth and I would go for making them more bumpy -
I want to use the Noise texture as a Bump map, but the bricks already have a Normal map so that I have no idea where the bump node should be connected. And when connecting it into the Displacement output nothing happens.
In a tutorial by Andrew Price called "The Secrets Of Realistic Texturing", the Normal map is connected into the Displacement output, but I'm not sure if it is a good way of doing it and the bumps are more like some streched lines which is not what a Noise texture would do - http://qgv6y6drlr2sy3es4blouyvd9.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/01/complete1.png
Here's the file if anybody comes up with something - http://www.pasteall.org/blend/31902
I'm unable to upload the maps (too high resolution), sorry. But, you can use maps of your own.
Here's the node setup -