I realised that the shadow catcher for cycles doesn't actually catch emision or act as a diffuse bouncer from the HDRI, as the matter of facts it only catches shadows as stated at https://devtalk.blender.org/t/lets-finally-fix-the-shadowcatcher/691
Does anyone know any tips, tricks, hacks or code to make an object catch emision and light objects of Blender? I intend to use it for VFX and videos not still images.
Using camera projection was my go to for simple environments and relatively sturdy camera movements. But for actual production shots with really aggressive camera motion and perspective distortions and relatively complex scenes, reprojecting the image was required for most of the frames since the distortion will be noticed as projection only works per frame not as a video(don't know about this for sure, if you guys know a way I can continuously reproject the image onto my 3dset that would help) but as of now that's not remotely an efficient way to do it.