I'm working on a visualisation of a black and a white object. Everything looks fine when the product is black. But the closer I come to white the more flat the product appears and the reflections seem to disappear.
I could increase the specular- or metallic-value for the white object to bring back the reflections but that doesn't make sense because it's not a different material compared to the black object. It's just an other color.
Or I could render out a glossy-pass and compose it over my original rendering but this deserves extra work especially with more renderings.
Also I could create another HDRI with increased lights for the white object. But this is extra work again and makes it impossible to have both objects in the scene when they only look good with one certain HDRI.
What I aim for is a consistent look for the black and the white object where I only have to change the color and no other value of the material. I don't understand why it's not working as expected.