
I have a 1mm sphere and can't use zoom or scroll to navigate properly, to be clear, at first it was impossible to zoom in, then I change the view port scale to 0.001 and again to 1000, after that I was able to zoom in, but not too close of the object.

The other issue is with the scroll orbiting, when I hold Shift the movement is really slow and without Shift too fast, is really hard to control.

I have some objects in a normal size (about 10cm) and need to work with this to scale, when I changed the view port scale to 1mm I couldn't zoom out to use the bigger object.

I'm using Blender 2.81

  • $\begingroup$ There shouldnt be a problem. You can leave the viewport scale at is it on 1. I created 20cm object and 2mm and it is ok to navigate. Use ";" key the one above tabulator and the view menu opens, chose "3" to view selected and it will frame your selection, it will help you to see the object. $\endgroup$
    – Fowl
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 8:06

1 Answer 1


I had the same problem to zoom into 1mm sphere and to solve it you should select the object you want to zoom into then click / for Local View. This works like a charm, but you have to remember to exit local view again to see other objects in the scene.



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