I'm having trouble creating a Rotational Array. First I transform the object, a UV Sphere, along the Y axis to the radius I want the array to have. I add an Empty at the world origin. I choose the UV Sphere, and start to add an Array Modifier. I set the offset to 0,0,0. The number of copies I set to 8. I enable Object Offset and choose the Empty. And this is where the problem starts. I had planed to then rotate the Empty by 45 degrees, but before I can do that 8 copies of the UV Sphere appear in a straight line with the first copy centered on the vertical axis of the Empty. What am I doing wrong?
2 Answers
The array object need to be away from its origin. un-tick Relative offset, tick object offset in the Array modifier tab.
If you want to have an Array going around a rotation you need to create a Curve that it can follow. For example you add a Circle. On your Array Modifier you only set the Count and enable the Relative Offset the other fields stay at default. Now you add a second Modifier which is called Curve and select the added Circle as Object.