Coming from 3DS max, blender's bones are kind of confusing
In green i rigged like i usually would, creating "transition" bones that serve no other purpose than to connect more important bones together (like connecting the tail bone to the upper leg bone).
the big part of the bone would be the center of rotation. if you disconnect a bone it just turns into a dot, showing it's just a rotation point with no connections. Blender's bones don't do that witch makes it more confusing to figure out where the center of rotation is.
In red i rigged it according to all the tutorials i've followed. They always seem to connect bones with constrains instead of connecting the bones. This would be fine but blender's bones seem to work differently. As you can see the constrain connects to the top of the tail bone instead of the bottom part (the wide part) witch could cause problems with rotation. Can you make it connect to the bottom or does it not matter ?
Witch way am i supposed to rig ? additionally, if anyone has a tutorial for bone orientation i'd be grateful.
thank you very much, i'm loving blender's flexibility so far compared to other software.