I'm making models in Blender in order to export them to Wavefront format. I'm using an image texture connected to the base color of a principled BSDF, and that principled BSDF is connected to the material output. From what I understand, that's the only way to get Blender 2.8 to properly export the material with the texture to Wavefront format.
I'm having a problem though with the specular exponent (Ns
) - for some reason Blender exports it as 225.000000, which is too high and messes up the lighting.
I tried changing each and every one of the principled BSDF's numeric values and export to .obj, but the specular exponent remained at 255. Do I need more nodes than Principled to do it?
EDIT: Almost forgot - I use this Python script when exporting to .obj:
import bpy
import sys
from os.path import splitext
target_file_name, _ext = splitext(bpy.data.filepath)
target_file_name += '.obj'