I thought the 3D cursor was pretty lame when I first started using Blender - another strange thing Blender was doing differently than every other program. But it seems like I find a new use for it every couple days. I noticed recently that it appears to have a rotation state (I'm using 2.8 in case it is a recent change).
What I'm wondering is why Blender doesn't make use of that rotation when I use the "cursor to selected" or "selection to cursor" commands. It only seems to change the object or cursor's position, leaving rotation as-is.
If these commands made use of rotation, we could then set our transformation orientation mode to cursor, and instantly have custom orientation modes within a few clicks. For example, you could select a character's eyeball, choose cursor to selected, set the orientation mode to cursor, then move some object or component, relative to their line of sight (G, Z, 10).
My question - is there a way to upgrade the cursor or enable a higher level cursor mode? Something that makes use of the cursor rotation state? If not, why does it have a rotation state?