I'm new to Blender and using it to sculpt a character. I have been using Dyntopo for the majority of the mesh up to the point where i got to maybe 1 mio vertices, where I have started to subdivide the mesh using dyntopo whenever needed and switching back to non-dyntopo for saving hardware resource.
Now at 1.5 mio verts I can't use the clay brush anymore (lag) which is pretty much my bread and butter. Dyntopo is disabled and it is not only on high polygon parts of the mesh but also the very low polygon parts, that I now need to work on. Some other tools still work (grab, smooth and even the standard draw).
Are there any suggestions to workflow other than (in my case) cutting off the head, working on it separately and reuniting when done? Tried the Alt-B stuff, sadly not doing anything.
Sorry for long post, glad for any tips and help!
Cheers :)