I realize similar questions have been asked before and I followed the advice given there but I hope to gain more insight on the matter here.
I've added a lot of details, I hope it's not too much.
I have information about voxel-based terrain, which I want to put together in a 3D model, basically using different voxel building blocks. The currently fastest version of my script will create 980000 vertices (after removing doubles) in 5 minutes.
The relevant parts of my script look something like this (simplified to focus on relevant parts):
bm = bmesh.new()
stepsize = 500
col_num = 0
#this part builds a dictionary for the different voxel types with the corresponding
#bmesh and translocation vector
obj_meshes = ["WALL", "FLOOR", "TREE", ...]
mesh_dict = {s: type('bm_ext', (object,), dict(v=Vector((0, 0, 0)), bm=bmesh.new())) for s in obj_meshes}
for k in mesh_dict:
mesh_dict[k].bm.from_object(bpy.data.objects[k], bpy.context.scene)
#this is where all the stuff is generated
for c in columns:
col_num += 1
for t in c:
identificator = t.generate_id()
loc = Vector((t.x * 2, t.y * - 2, t.z * 3))
#this is where I tried to optimize things
#the different attempts are shown and explained below
if numBlocks >= stepsize:
bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=bm.verts, dist=0.0001)
me = bpy.data.meshes.new("landscape")
ob = bpy.data.objects.new("Land", me)
bm = bmesh.new()
numBlocks = 0
#do the same as above to finalize object creation
The fastest version for INSERT CODE HERE I have found so far looks like this:
add_bm = mesh_dict[identificator].bm
bmesh.ops.translate(add_bm, vec=loc-mesh_dict[identificator].v, verts=add_bm.verts)
mesh_dict[identificator].v = loc
me = bpy.data.meshes.new("temp")
First of all, I noticed that the speed is very dependent on how much memory Blender is using. Even when I just interrupt the script, delete anything it created and restart it, the speed will be similar to when I interrupted it. This is why I reload the .blend file every 500 columns. Is there a better way to do this?
Second: Is there a function to directly copy bmesh data from one to another? Right now I first export to Mesh, and then load from there, which seems really clunky.
If nothing else, it would at least be nice to these 2 things explained/resolved.
Some of my other attempts are described below.
At first, I didn't have the dictionary with the bmeshes and created them new every time:
add_bm = bmesh.new()
add_bm.from_object(bpy.data.objects[identificator], bpy.context.scene)
bmesh.ops.translate(add_bm, vec=loc, verts=add_bm.verts)
me = bpy.data.meshes.new("temp")
It is slightly slower than what I have now, but not by much (286s vs 292s, so maybe it was just chance).
I think this was one of my earliest attempts:
start_vert = len(bm.verts)
bm.from_object(bpy.data.objects[identificator], bpy.context.scene)
bmesh.ops.translate(bm, vec=loc, verts=bm.verts[start_vert:len(bm.verts)])
It already took 58 sec for the first batch of 500 columns, when there is a total of 9000.
I thought, maybe always creating the new meshes was taking a lot of time and I couldn't find a function to copy data directly from one bmesh to another so I tried this:
add_bm = bmesh.new()
add_bm.from_object(bpy.data.objects[identificator], bpy.context.scene)
bmesh.ops.translate(add_bm, vec=loc, verts=add_bm.verts)
vertindex_offset = len(bm.verts)
for v in add_bm.verts:
for e in add_bm.edges:
bm.edges.new([bm.verts[v.index + vertindex_offset] for v in e.verts])
for f in add_bm.faces:
bm.faces.new([bm.verts[v.index + vertindex_offset] for v in f.verts])
I thought this would be a more low-level approach, but I was obviously very mistaken, because this one also already took 60 seconds for the first batch of 500 columns.
UPDATE: I also tried creating a bunch of linked object copies like this:
copy = bpy.data.objects[identificator].copy()
copy.location = loc
But it was also a lot slower. Additionally, opening the file takes several seconds.
method but frombmesh.ops
. $\endgroup$