I am very new to Blender but recently picked it up and forced myself to learn the program. Currently, I have taken a logo of a friends company, sketched it out via bezeir curve and made it 3D. Now I am making an animation where the different parts come together to complete the logo. I have the logo looking somewhat metallic and satisfied thus far with the results. Now, the issue lies with when I have taken a part of the logo, separated it from the main mesh/object (which constitutes the logo). Reason being, I noticed for a keyframe to register a moving part from my logo the individual parts had to be separated. However, when the parts come together each separated part’s material does not look unified with the overall logo/object. As each small part has a weird swirl.
Hopefully that made some sense as I am new to all of this… If this is a common problem I would love to know how to get around it.
Thank you!