I have a 2D JPG of roof tiles. I have a single face in my house mesh that will be the roof (so it is a 2D surface, though it's in 3D space). How do I get the 2D JPG to become the texture for only that face?
I have read several guides and the Blender manual, and asked a related question yesterday, but the guides and yesterday's answer all seem to assume that the aim is to get 2D image to spread across multiple faces of a 3D mesh. I want the 2D image to display on one face only.
I think that I have somehow missed a fundamental step or concept in my efforts so far (e.g. the picture below), so I would appreciate a step-by-step answer for a Blender newbie, please.
EDIT: Examples of the difference between what guides describe and what I am trying to do:
"UV mapping is the process of projecting a 2D image onto a 3D object. ... This means that your texture image isn’t going to be a square but rather 6 of them, which are oriented in such a way that folding them produces a cube." (All3dp.com)
I want to project a 2D image onto a 2D surface (in 3D space). I have a simple texture image that is a rectangle that I want to project onto a rectangular face, not all the faces of a cube.
"An image/movie texture allows a two-dimensional image (which might be static or moving) to be wrapped around the surface of a three-dimensional object in some way. Alternatively, a procedural texture directly maps a predefined three-dimensional mathematical function to the surface coordinates of the object."(Wikibooks, Blender:Noob to Pro)
I want to to directly map a two dimensional image to the 2D surface coordinates of the object (in 3D space).