
How can I smoothly extrude a plane or an svg curve into a circular/rounded mesh? if I simply import an svg and extrude it and then add a subdivision surface modifier, it makes a big mess. I need a way to take a flat complex 2D object and extrude bit by bit systematically while changing the diameter of each extrusion (layer apon layer). I would hope it would end up looking like the semicircle in the photo (though using more complex 2D shapes though). I want to make the bottom image into a semicircular mesh to make it look like the top image. enter image description here enter image description here Any advice?

  • $\begingroup$ maybe show your more complex 2D shape, or even share it, it will help $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented May 4, 2019 at 9:22

1 Answer 1


The manual way of doing this would probably be to extrude it up and then use the"Shrink/Fatten" (Alt+S) tool which scales each Vertex/Edge/Face along its normal which should give you something you might be able to work with.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a tool or an add-on to do this more or less automatically but sadly I don't know it

  • $\begingroup$ Ok, will do. thank you $\endgroup$
    – Josh Cook
    Commented May 5, 2019 at 4:24

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