
I added a few support edges to get sharp edges and then merged some vertices, so the edge loops don't spread on my whole model. Now I have all quads, but the corners don't look right.

I know that I could get away with triangles on the bottom part, because it is a flat surface, but what about the pointy star trek polygon in the back?


2 Answers 2


Going into wireframe mode shows that the subdivision creates a fold in the model.

enter image description here

Creasing the sides of the star trek polygon pulls the fold out.

enter image description here

That basically solves my problem, because the render looks right, but the topology doesn't:

enter image description here


The reason of this distortion is that it's a concave quad, and Subdivision Surface works better with clean quads. You can solve your problem with these tricks:

  1. add a single edge in the middle of the quad: you won't have any distortion with Subdivision Surface, but the resulting mesh contains triangles


  1. add this edge loops and remove the two edges marked in red, so you will keep a pure quad mesh


  • $\begingroup$ That's the problem: Either I have triangles or excess edge loops. I removed the green edges in the second picture, so I don't have to deal with them in unrelated parts of the mesh. $\endgroup$
    – itmuckel
    Commented Apr 13, 2019 at 14:41

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