I've just recently started playing around with Blender 2.8 after years of modelling in different software packages. I've memorized the most used keyboard shortcuts and customized most of the stuff, so that I could work in a fullscreen mode in Blender all the time, but when I apply a modifier I always have to exit the full-screen mode and divert my attention to the properties panel on the right side of the screen which is really irritating and kinda takes me out of the super fast modelling flow.
So the question is, is it possible to view and edit your modifier properties in the viewport? I know that to apply modifiers you use object.modifier_add command and I've hotkeyed it, but I really want to have the ability to edit applied modifiers without switching from the full-screen mode. Is it possible to make the modifier properties appear in the viewport without heavy coding? Maybe there's just a code line like object.modifier_add that will allow me to do it?