I have one problem, I would like to know how I can convert an extruded plane into a solid.
$\begingroup$ Hello and welcome, please keep only one question per post, make as many as necessary. Faces don't have "origins" the dots are selection helpers. $\endgroup$– Duarte Farrajota Ramos ♦Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 17:37
$\begingroup$ Ok, I've already reissued the question. Thank you very much for answering. I have clarified several things. $\endgroup$– FER31Commented Dec 10, 2018 at 18:17
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1 Answer
You may have already solved this, but do this :
1/ Select plane and go into edit mode (tab)
2/ Select All (a)
3/ Activate Extrude mode (e)
4/ Depending on the orientation of your plane, limit extrusion to the X, Y or Z axis by selecting "X", "Y" or "Z".
You plane should now be a solid. Just note that you need to be aware of the normals for your faces you have created with this method. Normals explained here