Matrices and Scripting
Since it is for a "scientific visualization" I thought some maths and scripting wouldn't go astray.
Matrix.Shear(plane, size, factor)
For the example here the plane chosen is XY, The normal of the XY plane is the Z axis. For this case, consider the two values of factor as the x and y component that make up the 2D shearing vector. (1, 1)
(Top ortho view)
The unit diameter sphere is sitting on its base, the z axis passes thru both poles. The Each ring of latitude has been "sheared" maintaining a constant z value from (0, 0, 1)
to (1, 1, h)
Where h = 1
is the "height" (diameter) of the sphere.
Before and after shear
Test script. Adds a UV sphere at origin. Scales mesh to diameter one, and translates such that origin is on south pole.
Applies the XY plane shearing matrix along 1, 1.
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix
# Add a diameter one sphere sitting on its base.
context = bpy.context
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(location=(0, 0, 0))
ob = context.object
me =
T = Matrix.Translation((0, 0, 1))
Sc = 0.5 * Matrix.Identity(4)
me.transform(T * Sc)
# Shearing
Sh = Matrix.Shear('XY', 4, (1, 1))
Oops on re reading question see you wanted origin at (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), wont apply transform to me, will leave at origin and translate object.
Sh = Matrix.Shear('XY', 4, (1, 1))
Sc = 0.5 * Matrix.Identity(4)
me.transform(Sh * Sc)
ob.matrix_world.translation = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)