I have a NVIDIA RTX 2080. I've got an error like this:
CUDA binary kernel for this graphics card compute capability (7.5) not found.
Does someone know how to enable it?
You cannot enable it since it is not yet supported. You will need to wait until it is, or attempt to build Blender with the support for Cuda 10 yourself apparently.
Update as of July 29th 2019: NVIDIA RTX GPUs are now officially supported and can be used to accelerate renderings in Cycles using the raytracing cores of RTX cards. You can read more about this from the Blender Developers blog here.
In the past, RTX GPUs were not supported even for normal use cases unless you compile Blender from source code yourself or download a pre-compiled version of Blender 2.79 (link below) for Linux. However, if you want the latest features/bug fixes you need to compile Blender from source still. People have compiled Blender this way and submitted their results to Blender OpenData too. As shown on Blender OpenData website, RTX 2080 Ti is currently the best GPU for rendering scenes with Cycles as of now.
If you're using Windows you can follow these instructions to compile Blender yourself:
Install Development Tools
Subversion, Git, CMake and Visual Studio must all be installed.
Download Sources and Libraries
Create a folder to store your copy of the Blender source code. This guide will assume your chosen folder is C:\blender-git
Then open the command prompt window by hitting Windows+R, and then typing cmd
, or by searching for it in the start menu. Then type the following commands.
For 64-bit Windows, check out the precompiled libraries with Subversion like this:
cd C:\blender-git
svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/win64_vc14 lib/win64_vc14
For 32-bit Windows, use this command instead:
cd C:\blender-git
svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/windows_vc14 lib/windows_vc14
Download the Blender source code:
cd C:\blender-git
git clone git://git.blender.org/blender.git
cd blender
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin master
Compile Blender
cd C:\blender-git\blender
make full
Source for the things above. In case you follow these steps and you still cannot get Cycles render anything using your RTX card, you need to follow the steps at the end of my post to rebuild/recompile Blender.
For Linux:
If you're on a Unix-based OS you can follow the instructions written here; Make sure you have installed CUDA 10 already. If you don't want to compile Blender yourself, you can instead download a version of Blender 2.79 compiled against CUDA 10 from here.
Update as of Dec 3rd 2018:
As of today, the master branch of Blender natively supports NVIDIA RTX cards. So you don't have to follow the steps below anymore.
In case you follow the above steps and still cannot render anything using your RTX card, you need to do the followings to recompile Blender. This step works for Windows, Linux and Mac:
I have an NVIDIA RTX 2080 card and I had a long time to get it to work to do rendering with it. But the solution seems to be simple: all you need is to download the Linux version (from the previous answer http://graphicall.org/1241/download), copy the folder "lib" from the downloaded file" (I have this looks so)
(C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.79-cuda 10-x86_64 (linux)\2.79\scripts\addons\cycles)
and paste it in the program folder
(C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender 2.79.0\2.79\scripts\addons\cycles\lib)
in the pre-compiled version of Blender 2.79 doesn't necessarily match with the stuff in the latest versions of Blender. You need to compile Blender from source so that things work smoothly as I mentioned above :)
Found and fixed this by following the advice of one of the blender contributors here: https://blenderartists.org/t/nvidia-unveils-new-turing-architecture/1122494/105
scroll down to lazy dodo's comments from september 23 - essentially you have compile yourself and make a few edits to the makefiles.
I can confirm this works.
Tried as well. Make sure you use the 'make release' compilation command. However, while I can get the 2080ti to appear, I can't get the 2080ti to actually make anything (same error as precompiled nightly.)
I have managed to get this working on my RTX 2080ti on Windows by downloading the latest experimental build (2.80 alpha 2 at time of writing).
These are available here: https://builder.blender.org/download/
You have to download Blender 2.79.6 or 2.80(beta) LINK: https://builder.blender.org/download/