I did the tutorial of BLender Guru about the anvil but I am close to getting crazy due to some black spots I can not get rid of...
Render Preview: Final Render: I hope this is an obvious one... Thanks for looking into it.
I did the tutorial of BLender Guru about the anvil but I am close to getting crazy due to some black spots I can not get rid of...
Render Preview: Final Render: I hope this is an obvious one... Thanks for looking into it.
It's because there is an object hidden in the viewport but not to the render engine. Both objects have approximately the same shape and overlap each other at some parts. The node setup and baked map is perfectly fine.
Here's how you disable rendering the viewport-invisible object:
I don't believe you want to mix shaders with different normals like that. The point of the Principled Node is to eliminate the need for mixing or adding shaders together. The surface of your material should only have one normal, and all other properties should be done with mix nodes before going into the principled node. For example, that "polished" map should probably be used to determine the roughness of the material, instead of mixing between two shaders.