I have a model in Blender that is rigged and animated. The object is not at the origin, and I would like to move it there. I can move the object to the origin by selecting the armature bones and transforming them until the object is at the origin, however, when I start playing an animation or export the file, the object snaps back to its original position (as I'm assuming is defined by the animated key frames). How can I translate an object, animations and all, to the origin without affecting the animation?
1 Answer
Do it by make your armature an Root bone.
1. Select your Armature
2. Press Tab to enter Edit Mode
3. Press Shift + A To add new bone. Name it Root or whatever you want
4. Parent your current Root bone (which mean if you move it, the whole armature will move with it) to your new Root bone you just add.
Select your current Root bone, then Hold Shift and select new Root bone.
Press Ctrl + P then select Keep Offset
5. Now you can move your new bone to the origin and whole armature will go with that.