
I have a surface with all vertex weith set to 1, when the object set to brush in dynamic paint came over, the vertex must be setted to weight 0. Any solution?


2 Answers 2


In Weight Tools panel in the left, there's a option "Invert", it solves your problem?

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ I need the inversion for animation $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 14:37

Use a VertexWeightMix modifier to subtract your non-inverted (dynamic weight painted) vertex group from your base vertex group, effectively inverting the animated (weight painted) vertex group. Example: I have a "pinned group" that is all set to 1. I dynamic painted a "paint group" that paints 1's on a base model weight of 0 (red painting on blue). Then, I use VetrexWeightMix modifier and subtract B from A, and now I have the animation of blues being painted on red instead of the red painted on blue. I hope that was clear enough.


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