I was wondering if anybody could help me with this problem I'm having with all my models/normal maps.
As you can see, it mainly happens on the handles[the handles of a knife model]. You can still see the hard edges of the low poly mesh, but there is still some detail from the high poly mesh. I'm not sure how to describe it.
It happens again here. I've tried to use a cage but that didn't seem to work... I don't really know what to do, and I want to stop this problem before I make anything else because I don't know how much it will take to fix this.
Thanks for any help :)
(edit)Images with it rendered
It doesn't show up much in those images, but it does show up a lot in the game I'm trying to mod it into - maybe this helps too?
Here is one more example with a pole model that I tried to smooth out
This is it with the normal map on - it looks like it barely does anything but it still does - I can see some slight smoothing if I look at it closely, but it's not nearly as smooth as the high poly
Here is one with the normal map off
Forgot to put in a normal map node - woops - this is what it looks like with that active