
I am trying to upload a model to Sketchfab and I always lose the texture. I have tried uploading a .blend file directly, as well as exporting to .OBJ and uploading to that. In both cases, the model is not maintaining the texture / coloring.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.



2 Answers 2


I believe that's how Sketchfab works -- the model comes in without the texture and you have to add it back in manually within Sketchfab's interface. Of course, if you're using a Cycles procedural material, that will be lost as well and you'll have to try and replicate it within Sketchfab.


My mistake. When exporting from Blender I should have set it to copy the texture file instead of using the default setting "Auto". I thought I had done this, but when I restarted from scratch I saw that everything now worked - when I did things correctly.

  • $\begingroup$ where can i set this setting? $\endgroup$
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 23:09

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